An exhibition of promise objects, curated by Kevin Murray. Exhibited at City Library, Flinders Lane, Melbourne 25 August - 3 September 2017 during Radiant Pavilion
Ten jewellers from different countries have re-imagined the promise object. Voveo (means "I promise" in Latin) presents work by Raquel Bessudo (Mexico), Louiseann & Kristian King(Australia), Vicki Mason (Australia), Clare Poppi (Australia), Gina Ropiha (Australia), Mia Straka (New Zealand), This Means That (Thailand), Bic Tieu (Australia) Alice Whish (Australia) and Keri-Mei Zagrobelna (New Zealand). To connect these objects to everyday life, they are distributed throughout Melbourne City Library. Many of the artists will be in attendance to deliver promises.
You can see Voveo at Melbourne City Library, 253 Flinders Lane, 25 August - 3 September 2017. Hours are Mon-Thurs 8am-8pm, Fri 8am-6pm, Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 12-5pm. Opening Thursday 31 August, 2-4pm.
Listen to Mia explaining the project during it's Melbourne residency here:
Reviews of the exhibition and Radiant Pavilion: Play and Possibility and Radiant Pavilion-Illuminations
During Radiant Pavilion I will be engaging with visitors in a dialogue addressing a number of values and human rights that may be considered universally applicable.
Willing participants will be asked to choose a certain right or value you see as particularly important and relevant to uphold within your own community.
If you decide to be a champion of this specific right/value by committing to a positive action, a Valere Talisman pendant will be written or stamped with a word(s) symbolising your promise and gifted to you from me, to be taken away and worn.
Fulfilment of the promise will be as decided by the participant, consisting of a simple action such as speaking up in the face of bigotry, or helping someone that may be disadvantaged.
The pendant will act as a reminder and visual signifier of the commitment, as well as identifying you as an ambassador for the project.
The Valere Talismans are a solo project leading on from the interactive Talisman Project collaboration. The Valere Talismans extend the wearer/maker discourse with face to face interactions every day during Radiant Pavilion and online engagement at #thetalismanproject.
See more at and